GcM vIsIoNiNg KiCk-OfF

Monday, February 15, 2010

I've managed to narrow down a few more details about GCM's VISONING KICK OFF:

1. To get people talking and sharing about vision for GCM
2. To get, as many as there are, that feel led, to actively get involved in playing their part as the Holy Spirit leads
3. To create an avenue for more and more GOD ENCOUNTERS.

Venue: Possibly KL or Kuching. Someplace nice (Doesn't have to be Ben-Nice...LoL) that fits somewhat 50 people or so. Possibly with affordable accommodation nearby for those from out of town. Suggestions?

Dates: Possibly 21st - 23rd of May 2010. Thoughts?


Funds: Clueless??? Suggestions???

If any of you feel led to help in any way, please drop me a line... Get involved!!! ? It isn't my vision, it's God's... Possess it! Make it yours! We need music, money, transport, accommodation, flights, space, design, publicity, multimedia, ushers, greeters, worship, speakers... THE WORKS.... Time to Sow! Sow! Sow! There's no such thing as a small giver, just a cheerful one! I'm psyched!



GlOrY cUlTuRe MiNiStRy!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Calling all Ex-WCCI members here in Malaysia primarily, and just about everyone else who has a similar burden...God is Faithful! I was praying not three weeks ago when God put it into my heart to pray towards having a three day encounter weekend sometime mid-May... Here in Malaysia... The details aren't finaized yet... THREE DAY weekend sometime MID-MAY here in MALAYSIA is all i know for now.... I believe God is Kick-Starting Glory Culture Ministries (GCM)... I'm posting this up to get people talking faith into details... Throw ideas around... It's going to be open not just to all ex-WCCI members but anyone who's hungry for the move of God... Pray! Talk! Discuss! Sow! Believe! I'm excited to get this vision moving...STay Favored!