Sunday, August 3, 2008

        The validity of the notion's not up for discussions, negotiations, deliberations and votes. He just is. His faithfulness is not dependent on our faithfulness to Him. Thank God for that! We're faithful to Him BECAUSE He IS faithful to us. God's not just faithful to us when and if we are faithful to Him.  God made a heartfelt and eternal commitment to us on the cross and He's not going back on His word. The deal is signed, sealed and paid for. We're blood bought children of the most high God. rest assured that His hold on you is much much more stronger than your hold on Him. 
He IS Jehovah Jireh! He IS Jehovah Rapha! He IS Jehovah Nissi! He IS Jehovah Shalom! He IS Jehovah Tsidkenu! He IS El Shaddai! He IS the great I AM! He isn't all this WHEN.... He IS all of it right now, right here, TODAY! Our God IS all powerful! Our God IS Love! Our God IS good! Praise God for His faithfulness! 
Feel like you've been a back sliding, good for nothing spawn of satan lately? feel like you're beyond redemption, beyond help, past the point of no return? God thinks differently. He sees you just the way Christ transformed you to be when you received him as Savior and Lord of your life. You ARE a highly favored child of the Most High, deeply loved, greatly blessed and divinely anointed by the creator of the universe! It's a PERMANENT state of being. The next time satan and his horde try to lie and trick you out of the living growing relationship you're destined to have with God, stare Him straight in the face and boldly confess that your GOD IS FAITHFUL! 

You're loved more than you know!