The Finished Work of Christ

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

“It is finished.” With that He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. The finished work of Christ allows the Heavenly Father’s grace to be released and flow freely. Jesus has broken the wall, which is built of all ungodliness and unrighteousness. The veil that separated the Holy place and the Holy of Holies is broken. God’s glory that has been stored in the holy of holies is set free and spreads till the outer courts, reaching to the lost souls and calls them His own. The message of LOVE and GRACE is being preached by the apostles. It is Good News, to the sick, to the poor, to those who are in sorrow, those who are in the bondages of sin. The Son of Man has come to heal, to prosper, to give His inexpressible joy and to set us free.

Jesus is the revelation of the fullness of God, demonstrating His grace (undeserved, unmerited, unearned favors), love, mercy, righteousness, holiness and justice. Sin is being justified on the cross; the punishment of sin is being satisfied by the death of our Christ. The cross enables God to show that He is love, full of mercy, always choosing to forgive and slow to anger. Though we might have fallen into sin, His forgiveness and arms are always open to accept us. The finished work of our Lord Jesus has put us in the place to be the heir of our Heavenly Father. The authority over sickness, poverty, bondages, fear or even death with all the curses of sin have been given to us freely as we accepted Him as our savior. Being a Christian has made us to be the most prosperous and blessed nation in the world. The world is seeking for peace, joy, health, prosperity, and we have the answer and direction to all these.

Being a Christian is great and exciting for we have the Good News. The word “Christian” means the anointed one. We are anointed everyday by His fresh oil to declare the finished work of Christ on the cross. We are the salt and the light of the world. Go today; start proclaiming the finished work of Christ in you. The Holy Spirit, your Helper will guide you and teach all things and bring to your remembrance all things that He has taught you. Hallelujah!