Decide To Rest in Him Today
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
“…and I will give you rest.”
Mathew 11:28
We are living in a modern world where everything is fast. People are rushing to their destinations, struggling to finish their work to meet the deadline, complaining that 24 hours a day is not enough to live by. We strive to meet the expectations of our boss, teachers, friends and parents. We are so caught up in the whirlwind of the moment that we forget that we are supposed to rest in Him.
The world says “If I do nothing, nothing will happen.” Well, that might be true for them, but we are not of the world, we are highly favored children of God called to rest in Him. Living by grace says “God is working” while the living by the Law saying “I will have to work it out by myself”. Worry is an indication of us not resting in Him. When we are worried, we always ask ourselves, “What should I do?”
So should we just stop working, studying and do nothing? Laze around the house, resign from our jobs? Well, people of the world might do that, but in their hearts, it is full of turmoil, troubles and worries. Honestly my friend, is that rest? On the other hand, you may see people in the church serving the Lord, seems busy with their ministry but they are not troubled, they are resting. Their hearts are filled with joy, peace and love.
My dear friend, let us decide to rest in Him, take Ruth for example. When she worked from morning till evening in Boaz’s field, she had one ephah of barley. But when she rested at the feet of Boaz, she had 6 ephah of barley. When we decide to commit to Him what we are holding on to, He will multiply it. Let go and let God.
If you are expecting for breakthroughs in your studies, business, or even your finance, and you don’t see it, don’t get restless, rest in Him. See yourself pregnant with all these. A pregnant woman will say she has a baby, but everybody around her may ask her “Where is the baby?” They don’t see it, but she is pregnant with her baby.
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