Your Problems Start From Condemnation
Saturday, March 14, 2009
“There is now therefore now no more condemnation in Christ Jesus…”
Romans 8:1
My friend, when you go through an evil day, you are like a sickly plant, with sick leaves. You may have leaves of sickness, poverty, broken relationship or depression in your life. But these are just the leaves. We all know that the leaves are just the manifestation of the root. There will be no leaves if there is no root. It will be foolish to attack the leaves because the problem starts from the root.
Before there were present of sickness, poverty or even death, there was stress. Nowadays, medical research has proven that most of the diseases are caused by stress. We can see in the bible that “by the sweat of your brow, you will eat your food…” (Genesis 3:19). Sweat represented stress. Before there was stress there was fear. Adam and Eve hid themselves after they have eaten the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, because they were afraid of God (Genesis 3:10). But before there was fear, condemnation consumed Adam and Eve.
You may ask “Pastor Nic, if there is no condemnation, how will I know if I have sinned.” People take condemnation as the signs that they have fallen into sin, and accept it in their heart. We used to think that this sense of condemnation will lead us to repentance and make us acceptable again to God. If that is the way for us to be acceptable again to God, Christ died for nothing, (Galatians 2:21) because we still need to bear the judgment of God on ourselves.
What is then the key to getting out of your evil day? What is the key to no condemnation in your life? The only one place where you will find no condemnation is in Christ Jesus. The reason there is therefore NOW no condemnation because God loves us so much that He give his son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. He was condemned for our sins on the cross. God took the sins of our entire lives and heaped it on Jesus. Then He unleashed the judgment for our sin on Jesus, till Jesus cried out loud “It is finished”.
The reason you and I today experience no condemnation because our sins has already been punished and condemned, but in the body of another-in the body of Jesus Christ.
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